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NETGEAR MA111v2 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter 5.1.1039.1030

NETGEAR MA111v2 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter 5.1.1039.1030

NETGEAR MA111v2 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter Publisher's Description

NETGEAR MA111v2 802.11b Wireless USB Adapter to give you fast, reliable Internet access. With its automatic rate fallback,the MA111 lets you move to extended distances without losing your connectivity. High-level WEP encryption gives you secure data communication and shields your network from wireless eavesdroppers - at no sacrifice to performance. Hardware-based 40/64 and 128-bit WEP encryption protects your privacy. Wireless connectivity at 11 Mbps that's powered by USB 1.1.

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